Hot Topic: Abortion

From the middle. There needs to be a method of ending and unintended pregnancy. Each and every state should put this type of decision before the voters. It isn’t something to be legislated by those we have sent to accomplish our bidding. Tell them what we feel by going to the voting station and making your mark for what you feel. Now this may go against the left leaners who believe Abortion is a qualified method of birth control and a fundamental right. It may also hurt the right leaners who believe life begins at a specific time (open for extensive debate) and any type of interference is murder. If we don’t protect women who face a critical decision in their life, we as a population, have failed. We can’t allow back-alley procedures to replace medically supervised operations. I haven’t taken the time to read the Supreme Court decision on overturning Roe V Wade, but there has to be a good reason they believe the original decision was based on improper interpretation of the Constitution.

That should be enough for this session. Take care.

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