A raid on the past president’s Florida hang-out. From the right, we hear the outrage of folks looking to stay in the good graces of our past president just in case he runs again, and they would like to get up close and personal with the big guy. From the left, we hear cries of “it’s about time. We always knew he was a criminal and now we can prove it.” Sitting in the middle, we would like to see what was discovered. Were there REALLY boxes of classified documents dealing with our nuclear assets or implementation plans? Having spent MANY years in service to our nation, I’ve been indoctrinated into the serious nature of protecting classified documents. And then, as he was being questioned, he invoked the 5th during his session. In the past, he equated taking the 5th to a plea of guilty. Our nation has fallen from being one of the most respected nations of the world to being a laughingstock. Our current leader and his team are leading us down a path not consistent with the founding fathers’ desires. Our past president still insists the election was fixed. Where is the proof. If dead people voted, PROVE it. If you can’t, quit spitting out the poison that divides this nation.
Hot Topic: Abortion
From the middle. There needs to be a method of ending and unintended pregnancy. Each and every state should put this type of decision before the voters. It isn’t something to be legislated by those we have sent to accomplish our bidding. Tell them what we feel by going to the voting station and making your mark for what you feel. Now this may go against the left leaners who believe Abortion is a qualified method of birth control and a fundamental right. It may also hurt the right leaners who believe life begins at a specific time (open for extensive debate) and any type of interference is murder. If we don’t protect women who face a critical decision in their life, we as a population, have failed. We can’t allow back-alley procedures to replace medically supervised operations. I haven’t taken the time to read the Supreme Court decision on overturning Roe V Wade, but there has to be a good reason they believe the original decision was based on improper interpretation of the Constitution.
That should be enough for this session. Take care.
So Let Me Start Again
It’s been more than a year since we established this site. We had one thing in mind, but then that didn’t pan out. So, we are going to change the way we present this conversation. We are from the middle. We see both sides of most things. We tend to lean right, but that’s not to say we don’t see and evaluate things on the left. The turmoil we find our nation facing is against everything our nation was founded to achieve. Our leaders, if we can loosely call them that, have abandoned the pledges they swore upon. They are lifelong political hacks who have become multimillionaires at OUR expense. This is on both sides of the aisle. Both democrats and republicans have staked out seats in our legislature and forgot who they REPRESENT. We would like this to be a place for open discussion without all the name calling and other BS that goes with extremism. Our nation needs to look at itself and gab hold with both hands. We will try to ask questions, give views, or comment on a current situation at least twice a week. Thanks for your time and we look forward to productive conversations. Who knows, if this takes off, we may be able to get a unified voice YELLING at our “representatives” for productive methods to move our nation forward.